Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I am a very lucky girl! I am lucky for many reasons, but one reason specifically is that I have a friend who is a beauty PR girl. For those of you who understand what this means, you're probably fighting the jealous feelings that are rising up from your perfectly manicured toes.  For those of you who are still unsure, what this means is that I get to try out many products from my friend's work/beauty closet.  This closet is more like a floor full of racks and racks of products; from make-up to skin cream and beyond.  As part of my gift for my 30th birthday, I received a box, an enormous box, of beauty products.  I will be trying them all and posting my thoughts in this section I am calling "iHeart..." (a.k.a. i <3)

  I am starting with the bath products that make my shower (which I still feel is my ultimate spa break of the day) divine.

Thymes agave Nectar body wash - I love the way this wash lathers so gently. When I get out of the shower there is the faintest of sweet smells that seems to linger on my body without overpowering my natural scent. Another major plus is that this wash is so gentle it does not irritate my oh so sensitive skin!

Thymes agave Nectar body lotion - This not too heavy moisturizer is the perfect hydrating lotion to use upon exiting the shower. The consistency is strong enough to really hydrate your skin but not too heavy that you feel greasy.  It is the perfect summer body moisturizer. And on those days that you can't seem to make it into the shower, lather some of this lotion on your body and you will smell refreshed. (No one has to know, right?!)

Lastly, Thymes agave Nectar hand cream  is superb if you are looking for a good hand cream that keeps your very busy digits soft.  I am constantly washing my hands. I go between playing with make-up products to changing dirty diapers. This moisturizer has the number one feature I am always looking for in a hand cream, it absorbs into the skin super fast. By the time I am heading out of the bathroom and into my busy day, my hands are nice and soft without a trace of residue on them.

     The price point for these products are around $15-$20 on Amazon. Let's not overlook how  beautiful they are packaged (they look very elegant on my bathroom sink/counter!) These are truly a lovely summer treat to give to  yourself or to a friend who can use a little pick-me-up.

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